'Plan 9 from Outer Space' (1959)
Autor: Marko   18.11.2007
EKSLUZIVNO! Gledajte cijeli film online s hrvatskim titlovima!!!
Vanzemaljci napadaju Zemlju te oživljavaju, a potom povampiruju/pozombljavaju mrtve nam pretke u najgorem filmu svih vremena kojeg je realizirao najgori redatelj svih vremena Ed Wood.
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Komentari (3)add comment

ovo je baš sranje smilies/grin.gif
future events such as these will afect you in the future smilies/shocked.gif
pa onda VBR u borbi protiv avijacije smilies/shocked.gif ludilo
16.07.2007. u 22:25 h

Ovo je masterpis! Pogledaj orgy of the dead ili night of the ghouls (neki dijelovi naracije iz drugog su koristeni u prvom spomenutom naslovu! smilies/grin.gif ) pa ces vidjeti sto je jos bolje! smilies/grin.gif smilies/grin.gif smilies/grin.gif
17.07.2007. u 08:16 h

s wikipedija:

Mulder claims that the film is so incredibly bad that it shuts down the logic centers of his brain, allowing him to make intuitive leaps of logic, aiding him in his investigation of the paranormal. He called this the "Ed Wood Investigative Method".
18.11.2007. u 19:54 h

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